Typing prompts has become very slow
in progress
Daniel Dees
I got a problem like this. and idk why its not marked as "In Progress" but "Under Review." your solution does not work.
syhms ai
Daniel Dees they probably will not solve that issue?
Daniel Dees
syhms ai Is there a partiuclar reason you think that?
Jeff Bennion
Yes I am seeing this in my long threads. New threads it doesn't do this. Typing the prompt in notepad and then pasting in the prompt box is a work around until it's fixed.
Jim Reekes
Seems to be related to the amount of history in your chat. Try typing into a new thread. It's probably back to "normal" speed.
Joel Midden
in progress
Joel Midden
We're looking into this issue and will let you know when there's an update. Thanks for your patience.