Renaming the chat sometimes loses the chat
under review
Rick Bohan
I like to rename chats so that specific chats are easier to find. I find that, sometimes, the original prompt is replaced by the new name for the chat and that the original response has been deleted. In other cases, the new name does not replace the original prompt and the original response is intact. I've lost a few important chats this way.
Joel Midden
Sorry to hear about this. Please reach out to us at with a screen recording of this behavior or the name of one of the chats you are missing, so we can look into this further for you. Thanks for your patience.
Rick Bohan
Joel Midden The first is a screen shot of the way things should be. The chat has a new name but the original prompt is there as is (though not visible here) the original chat.
The second is a screen shot of the problem...the new name has replaced the original prompt and the chat is gone. It shows that it's "working " so maybe something will show up there eventually but I've waited several minutes in several cases with no results.
I know I can save all the copy to a Google Doc (or whatever) but then I lose the links to the sources.
Joel Midden
under review
Rick Bohan
Joel Midden Any luck finding an answer?